;; -*- Mode: Irken -*-

(include "self/cps.scm")
(include "self/typing.scm")
(include "self/graph.scm")
(include "self/analyze.scm")

(define (make-writer file)
  (let ((level 1))
    (define (write-indent)
      (let loop ((i level))
	(cond ((> i 0)
	       (write file.fd "  ")
	       (loop (- i 1))))))
    (define (write-string s)
      (write file.fd s)
      (write file.fd "\n")
    (define (copy s)
      (write file.fd s))
    (define (indent) (set! level (+ level 1)))
    (define (dedent) (set! level (- level 1)))
    (define (close-file) (close file.fd))
    {write=write-string indent=indent dedent=dedent copy=copy close=close-file}

(define (make-name-frobber)
  (define safe-name-map
      (#\! "_bang")
      (#\* "_splat")
      (#\? "_question")
      (#\- "_")
      (#\+ "_plus")
      (#\% "_percent")
  (define c-legal? (char-class (string->list "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_0123456789")))
  (define (frob-name name)
    (define (frob)
      (let loop ((i 0) (r '()))
	(if (= i (string-length name))
	    (let ((ch (string-ref name i)))
	      (loop (+ i 1)
		     (if (c-legal? ch)
			 (char->string ch)
			 (match (alist/lookup safe-name-map ch) with
			   (maybe:yes sub) -> sub
			   (maybe:no)      -> (format "_" (hex (char->ascii ch)))))
    (let ((r (string-concat (reverse (frob)))))
      (if (string=? r "_")
	  ;; special-case

(define label-maker
  (let ((counter (make-counter 0)))
    (lambda ()
      (format "L" (int (counter.inc))))))

(define encode-immediate
  (literal:int n)   -> (logior 1 (<< n 1))
  (literal:char ch) -> (logior 2 (<< (char->ascii ch) 8))
  (literal:undef)   -> #x0e
  (literal:cons 'bool 'true _) -> #x106
  (literal:cons 'bool 'false _) -> #x006
  x -> (error1 "expected immediate literal " x))

(define (wrap-in type arg)
  (match type with
    (type:tvar id _) -> arg
    (type:pred name predargs _)
    -> (match name with
	 'int	       -> (format "unbox(" arg ")")
	 'string       -> (format "((pxll_string*)(" arg "))->data")
	 'cstring      -> (format "(char*)" arg)
	 'buffer       -> (format "(" (irken-type->c-type type) "(((pxll_vector*)" arg ")+1))")
	 'ptr	       -> arg
	 'arrow	       -> arg
	 'vector       -> arg
	 'symbol       -> arg
	 'char	       -> arg
	 'continuation -> arg
	 'raw	       -> (match predargs with
			    ((type:pred 'string _ _)) -> (format "((pxll_string*)(" arg "))")
			    _ -> (error1 "unknown raw type in %cexp" type))
	 kind          -> (if (member-eq? kind c-int-types)
			      (format "unbox(" arg ")")
			      (error1 "wrap-in:" type))

;; (buffer (struct sockaddr_t)) => (struct sockaddr_t *)
(define (irken-type->c-type t)
  (match t with
    (type:pred 'buffer (arg) _)	-> (format "(" (irken-type->c-type arg) "*)")
    (type:pred 'struct (arg) _) -> (format "struct " (irken-type->c-type arg))
    (type:pred name () _)	-> (format (sym name))
    _ -> (error1 "malformed ctype" (type-repr t))))

;; ok, for *now*, I don't really want subtyping.  but I *do* want
;;  automatic casting/conversion... what's the cleanest way to get that?
;; We have to deal with both typing and code generation.

(define c-int-types
  ;; XXX distinguish between signed and unsigned!
  ;; XXX also need to handle 64-bit types on a 32-bit platform.
  '(uint8_t uint16_t uint32_t uint64_t
    int8_t int16_t int32_t int64_t))

(define (wrap-out type exp)
  (match type with
    (type:pred 'int _ _)     -> (format "box((pxll_int)" exp ")")
    (type:pred 'bool _ _)    -> (format "PXLL_TEST(" exp ")")
    (type:pred 'cstring _ _) -> (format "(object*)" exp)
    (type:pred 'ptr _ _)     -> (format "(object*)" exp)
    (type:pred kind _ _)     -> (if (member-eq? kind c-int-types)
				    (format "box((pxll_int)" exp ")")
    _			     -> exp

;; substitute <values> into <template>, e.g. "%0 + %1" ("unbox(r3)" "unbox(r5)") => "r3
(define (cexp-subst template values)
  (let ((split (string-split template #\%)))
    (let loop ((r (LIST (car split)))
	       (l (cdr split)))
      (match l with
	;; wouldn't it be cool to generalize pattern matching to strings somehow?
	()	    -> (string-concat (reverse r))
	("")	    -> (error1 "malformed cexp template string" template) ;; template should not end with %
	("" x . tl) -> (loop (prepend x "%" r) tl) ;; %% causes this
	(x  . tl)   -> (match (alist/lookup dec-map (string-ref x 0)) with
			  (maybe:no)	-> (error1 "malformed cexp template string" template)
			  (maybe:yes n) -> (loop (prepend (substring x 1 (string-length x))
							  (nth values n)

(define (emit o insns context)

  (define emitk
    (cont:k _ _ k) -> (emit k)
    (cont:nil)	   -> #u)

  (define (emit insn)
     (match insn with
       (insn:return target)			 -> (begin (o.write (format "PXLL_RETURN(" (int target) ");")) (cont:nil))
       (insn:literal lit k)			 -> (begin (emit-literal lit (k/target k)) k)
       (insn:litcon i kind k)			 -> (begin (emit-litcon i kind (k/target k)) k)
       (insn:test reg k0 k1 k)			 -> (begin (emit-test reg k0 k1) k)
       (insn:testcexp regs sig tmpl k0 k1 k)	 -> (begin (emit-testcexp regs sig tmpl k0 k1) k)
       (insn:jump reg target)			 -> (begin (emit-jump reg target) (cont:nil))
       (insn:cexp sig type template args k)      -> (begin (emit-cexp sig type template args (k/target k)) k)
       (insn:close name body k)			 -> (begin (emit-close name body (k/target k)) k)
       (insn:varref d i k)			 -> (begin (emit-varref d i (k/target k)) k)
       (insn:varset d i v k)			 -> (begin (emit-varset d i v) k)
       (insn:new-env size top? k)		 -> (begin (emit-new-env size top? (k/target k)) k)
       (insn:alloc tag size k)			 -> (begin (emit-alloc tag size (k/target k)) k)
       (insn:store off arg tup i k)		 -> (begin (emit-store off arg tup i) k)
       (insn:invoke name fun args k)		 -> (begin (emit-call name fun args k) k)
       (insn:tail name fun args)		 -> (begin (emit-tail name fun args) (cont:nil))
       (insn:trcall d n args)			 -> (begin (emit-trcall d n args) (cont:nil))
       (insn:push r k)				 -> (begin (emit-push r) k)
       (insn:pop r k)				 -> (begin (emit-pop r (k/target k)) k)
       (insn:primop name parm t args k)		 -> (begin (emit-primop name parm t args k) k)
       (insn:move dst var k)			 -> (begin (emit-move dst var (k/target k)) k)
       (insn:fatbar lab k0 k1 k)		 -> (begin (emit-fatbar lab k0 k1) k)
       (insn:fail label npop)			 -> (begin (emit-fail label npop) (cont:nil))
       (insn:nvcase tr dt tags alts ealt k)	 -> (begin (emit-nvcase tr dt tags alts ealt) k)
       (insn:pvcase tr tags arities alts ealt k) -> (begin (emit-pvcase tr tags arities alts ealt) k)

  (define (move src dst)
    (if (and (>= dst 0) (not (= src dst)))
	(o.write (format "r" (int dst) " = r" (int src) ";"))))

  (define (emit-literal lit target)
    (let ((val (encode-immediate lit))
	  (prefix (if (= target -1)
		      "// dead " ;; why bother with a dead literal?
		      (format "r" (int target)))))
      (o.write (format prefix " = (object *) " (int val) ";"))

  (define (emit-litcon index kind target)
    (if (>= target 0)
	(cond ((eq? kind 'string)
	       (o.write (format "r" (int target) " = (object*) &constructed_" (int index) ";")))
	       (o.write (format "r" (int target) " = (object *) constructed_" (int index) "[0];"))))))

  (define (emit-test reg k0 k1)
    (o.write (format "if PXLL_IS_TRUE(r" (int reg)") {"))
    (emit k0)
    (o.write "} else {")
    (emit k1)
    (o.write "}"))

  (define (emit-testcexp args sig template k0 k1)
    ;; we know we're testing a cexp, just inline it here
    (match sig with
      (type:pred 'arrow (result-type . arg-types) _)
      -> (let ((args0 (map (lambda (reg) (format "r" (int reg))) args))
	       (args1 (map2 wrap-in arg-types args0))
	       (exp (wrap-out result-type (cexp-subst template args1))))
	   (o.write (format "if PXLL_IS_TRUE(" exp ") {"))
	   (emit k0)
	   (o.write "} else {")
	   (emit k1)
	   (o.write "}"))
      _ -> (impossible)))

  (define (emit-jump reg target)
    (move reg target))

  ;; XXX consider this: giving access to the set of free registers.
  ;;   would make it possible to do %ensure-heap in a %%cexp.
  (define (emit-cexp sig type template args target)
    (let ((exp
	   (match sig with
	     (type:pred 'arrow (result-type . arg-types) _)
	     -> (let ((args0 (map (lambda (reg) (format "r" (int reg))) args))
		      (args1 (map2 wrap-in arg-types args0)))
		  ;; from the sig
		  ;;(wrap-out result-type (cexp-subst template args1))
		  ;; the solved type
		  (wrap-out type (cexp-subst template args1))
	     ;; some constant type
	     _ -> (wrap-out sig template))))
      (if (= target -1)
	  (o.write (format exp ";"))
	  (o.write (format "r" (int target) " = " exp ";")))))

  (define frob-name (make-name-frobber))

  (define (gen-function-label sym)
    (format "FUN_" (frob-name (symbol->string sym))))

  (define (emit-close name body target)
    (let ((proc-label (gen-function-label name))
	  (jump-label (label-maker)))
      ;; emit a jump over the function definition
      (o.write (format "// def " (sym name)))
      (o.write (format "goto " jump-label ";"))
      ;; emit the function definition
      (o.write (format proc-label ":"))
      ;; XXX context flag for this...
      (if context.options.trace
	  (o.write (format "stack_depth_indent(k); fprintf (stderr, \">> [%d] " proc-label "\\n\", __LINE__);")))
      (if (vars-get-flag context name VFLAG-ALLOCATES)
	  (o.write "check_heap (0);"))
      (emit body)
      (o.write (format jump-label ":"))
      (o.write (format "r" (int target) " = allocate (TC_CLOSURE, 2);"))
      (o.write (format "r" (int target) "[1] = &&" proc-label "; r" (int target) "[2] = lenv;"))

  (define (emit-varref d i target)
    (if (>= target 0)
	(let ((src 
	       (if (= d -1)
		   (format "top[" (int (+ 2 i)) "];") ;; the +2 is to skip the header and next ptr
		   ;;(format "varref (" (int d) "," (int i) ");")
		   (format "((object*" (repeat d "*") ") lenv) " (repeat d "[1]") "[" (int (+ i 2)) "];")
	  (o.write (format "r" (int target) " = " src)))))

  (define (emit-varset d i v)
    (if (= d -1)
	(o.write (format "top[" (int (+ 2 i)) "] = r" (int v) ";"))
	;;(o.write (format "varset (" (int d) ", " (int i) ", r" (int v) ");"))
	(o.write (format "((object*" (repeat d "*") ") lenv) " (repeat d "[1]") "[" (int (+ i 2)) "] = r" (int v) ";"))

  (define (emit-new-env size top? target)
    (o.write (format "r" (int target) " = allocate (TC_TUPLE, " (int (+ size 1)) ");"))
    (if top?
	(o.write (format "top = r" (int target) ";"))))

  (define (emit-alloc tag size target)
    (let ((tag-string
	   (match tag with
	     (tag:bare v) -> (format (int v))
	     (tag:uobj v) -> (format (if (= size 0) "UITAG(" "UOTAG(") (int v) ")"))))
      (if (= size 0)
	  ;; unit type - use an immediate
	  (o.write (format "r" (int target) " = (object*)" tag-string ";"))
	  (o.write (format "r" (int target) " = allocate (" tag-string ", " (int size) ");")))))

  (define (emit-store off arg tup i)
    (o.write (format "r" (int tup) "[" (int (+ 1 (+ i off))) "] = r" (int arg) ";")))

  (define (emit-tail name fun args)
    (let ((goto
	   (match name with
	     (maybe:no)	      -> (format "goto *r" (int fun) "[1];")
	     (maybe:yes name) -> (format "goto " (gen-function-label name) ";"))))
      (if (>= args 0)
	  (o.write (format "r" (int args) "[1] = r" (int fun) "[2]; lenv = r" (int args) "; " goto))
	  (o.write (format "lenv = r" (int fun) "[2]; " goto))

  (define (emit-call name fun args k)
    (let ((free (sort < (k/free k))) ;; sorting these might improve things
	  (return-label (label-maker))
	  (nregs (length free))
	  (target (k/target k)))
      ;; save
      (o.write (format "t = allocate (TC_SAVE, " (int (+ 3 nregs)) ");"))
      (let ((saves
		 i nregs
		 (format "t[" (int (+ i 4)) "] = r" (int (nth free i))))))
	(o.write (format "t[1] = k; t[2] = lenv; t[3] = &&" return-label "; " (string-join saves "; ") "; k = t;")))
      ;; call
      (let ((goto
	     (match name with
	       ;; strange - LLVM actually slows down if I jump to a known label.
	       (maybe:no)	-> (format "goto *r" (int fun) "[1];")
	       (maybe:yes name) -> (format "goto " (gen-function-label name) ";"))))
	(if (>= args 0)
	    (o.write (format "r" (int args) "[1] = r" (int fun) "[2]; lenv = r" (int args) "; " goto))
	    (o.write (format "lenv = r" (int fun) "[2]; " goto))))
      ;; label
      (o.write (format return-label ":"))
      ;; restore
      (let ((restores
		 i nregs
		 (format "r" (int (nth free i)) " = k[" (int (+ i 4)) "]"))))
	(o.write (format (string-join restores "; ") "; lenv = k[2]; k = k[1];")))
      (if (>= target 0)
	  (o.write (format "r" (int target) " = result;")))

  (define (emit-trcall depth name regs)
    (let ((nargs (length regs))
	  (npop (- depth 1)))
      (if (= nargs 0)
	  ;; a zero-arg trcall needs an extra level of pop
	  (set! npop (+ npop 1)))
      (if (> npop 0)
	  (o.write (format "lenv = ((object " (joins (n-of npop "*")) ")lenv)" (joins (n-of npop "[1]")) ";")))
	  i nargs
	  (o.write (format "lenv[" (int (+ 2 i)) "] = r" (int (nth regs i)) ";")))
      (o.write (format "goto " (gen-function-label name) ";"))))

  (define (emit-push args)
    (o.write (format "r" (int args) "[1] = lenv; lenv = r" (int args) ";")))

  (define (emit-pop src target)
    (o.write (format "lenv = lenv[1];"))
    (move src target))

  (define (subset? a b)
    (every? (lambda (x) (member-eq? x b)) a))

  (define (guess-record-type sig)
    ;; can we disambiguate this record signature?
    (let ((sig (map (lambda (x) ;; remove sexp wrapping
		      (match x with
			(sexp:symbol field) -> field
			_ -> (impossible))) sig))
	  (sig (filter (lambda (x) (not (eq? x '...))) sig)))
      (let ((candidates '()))
	 (lambda (x)
	   (match x with
	     (:pair sig0 index0)
	     -> (if (subset? sig sig0)
		    (PUSH candidates sig0))))
	(if (= 1 (length candidates))
	    ;; unambiguous - there's only one possible match.
	    (maybe:yes (nth candidates 0))
	    ;; this sig is ambiguous given the set of known records.

  ;; hacks for datatypes known by the runtime
  (define (get-uotag dtname altname index)
    (match dtname altname with
      'list 'cons -> "TC_PAIR"
      'symbol 't -> "TC_SYMBOL"
      _ _ -> (format "UOTAG(" (int index) ")")))
  (define (get-uitag dtname altname index)
    (match dtname altname with
      'list 'nil -> "TC_NIL"
      'bool 'true -> "(pxll_int)PXLL_TRUE"
      'bool 'false -> "(pxll_int)PXLL_FALSE"
      _ _ -> (format "UITAG(" (int index) ")")))
  (define (emit-primop name parm type args k)

    (define (primop-error)
      (error1 "primop" name))

    (let ((target (k/target k))
	  (nargs (length args)))
      ;; these need to be broken up into separate functions...
      (match name with
	'%dtcon  -> (match parm with
		      (sexp:cons dtname altname)
		      -> (match (alist/lookup context.datatypes dtname) with
			   (maybe:no) -> (error1 "emit-primop: no such datatype" dtname)
			   (maybe:yes dt)
			   -> (let ((alt (dt.get altname)))
				(cond ((= nargs 0)
				       (o.write (format "r" (int target) " = (object*)" (get-uitag dtname altname alt.index) ";")))
				       (o.write (format "t = alloc_no_clear (" (get-uotag dtname altname alt.index) "," (int nargs) ");"))
					   i nargs
					   (o.write (format "t[" (int (+ i 1)) "] = r" (int (nth args i)) ";")))
				       (o.write (format "r" (int target) " = t;"))))))
		      _ -> (primop-error)
	'%nvget   -> (match parm args with
		       (sexp:list (_ (sexp:int index) _)) (reg)
		       -> (o.write (format "r" (int target) " = UOBJ_GET(r" (int reg) "," (int index) ");"))
		       _ _ -> (primop-error))
	'%make-vector -> (match args with
			   (vlen vval)
			   -> (begin
				;; since we cannot know the size at compile-time, there should
				;; always be a call to ensure_heap() before any call to %make-vector
				(o.write (format "if (unbox(r" (int vlen) ") == 0) { r" (int target) " = (object *) TC_EMPTY_VECTOR; } else {"))
				(o.write (format "  t = alloc_no_clear (TC_VECTOR, unbox(r" (int vlen) "));"))
				(o.write (format "  for (i=0; i<unbox(r" (int vlen) "); i++) { t[i+1] = r" (int vval) "; }"))
				(o.write (format "  r" (int target) " = t;"))
				(o.write "}"))
			   _ -> (primop-error))
	'%array-ref -> (match args with
			 (vec index)
			 -> (begin
			      (o.write (format "range_check (GET_TUPLE_LENGTH(*(object*)r" (int vec) "), unbox(r" (int index)"));"))
			      (o.write (format "r" (int target) " = ((pxll_vector*)r" (int vec) ")->val[unbox(r" (int index) ")];")))
			 _ -> (primop-error))
	'%array-set -> (match args with
			 (vec index val)
			 -> (begin
			      (o.write (format "range_check (GET_TUPLE_LENGTH(*(object*)r" (int vec) "), unbox(r" (int index)"));"))
			      (o.write (format "((pxll_vector*)r" (int vec) ")->val[unbox(r" (int index) ")] = r" (int val) ";")))
			 _ -> (primop-error))
	'%record-get -> (match parm args with
			  (sexp:list ((sexp:symbol label) (sexp:list sig))) (rec-reg)
			  -> (let ((label-code (lookup-label-code label context)))
			       (match (guess-record-type sig) with
				 (maybe:yes sig0)
				 -> (o.write (format "r" (int target) ;; compile-time lookup
						     " = ((pxll_vector*)r" (int rec-reg)
						     ")->val[" (int (index-eq label sig0))
				 -> (o.write (format "r" (int target) ;; run-time lookup
						     " = ((pxll_vector*)r" (int rec-reg)
						     ")->val[lookup_field((GET_TYPECODE(*r" (int rec-reg)
						     ")-TC_USEROBJ)>>2," (int label-code)
			  _ _ -> (primop-error))
	;; XXX very similar to record-get, maybe some way to collapse the code?
	'%record-set -> (match parm args with
			  (sexp:list ((sexp:symbol label) (sexp:list sig))) (rec-reg arg-reg)
			  -> (let ((label-code (lookup-label-code label context)))
			       (match (guess-record-type sig) with
				 (maybe:yes sig0)
				 -> (o.write (format "((pxll_vector*)r" (int rec-reg) ;; compile-time lookup
						     ")->val[" (int (index-eq label sig0))
						     "] = r" (int arg-reg) ";"))
				 -> (o.write (format "((pxll_vector*)r" (int rec-reg) ;; run-time lookup
						     ")->val[lookup_field((GET_TYPECODE(*r" (int rec-reg)
						     ")-TC_USEROBJ)>>2," (int label-code)
						     ")] = r" (int arg-reg) ";"))))
			  _ _ -> (primop-error))
	'%ensure-heap -> (o.write (format "ensure_heap (" (int (length (k/free k))) ", unbox(r" (int (car args)) "));"))
	'%callocate -> (let ((type (parse-type parm))) ;; gets parsed twice, convert to %%cexp?
			 ;; XXX maybe make alloc_no_clear do an ensure_heap itself?
			 (if (>= target 0)
			     (o.write (format "r" (int target) " = alloc_no_clear (TC_BUFFER, HOW_MANY (sizeof (" (irken-type->c-type type)
					      ") * unbox(r" (int (car args)) "), sizeof (object)));"))
			     (error1 "%callocate: dead target?" type)))
	'%exit -> (o.write (format "PXLL_UNDEFINED; result=r" (int (car args)) "; goto Lreturn;"))
	'%cget -> (match args with
		    (rbase rindex)
		    ;; XXX range-check (probably need to add a length param to TC_BUFFER)
		    -> (let ((cexp (format "(((" (type-repr type) "*)((pxll_int*)r" (int rbase) ")+1)[" (int rindex) "])")))
			 (o.write (format "r" (int target) " = " (wrap-out type cexp) ";")))
		    _ -> (primop-error))
	'%cset -> (match args type with
		    (rbase rindex rval) (type:pred 'arrow (to-type from-type) _)
		    ;; XXX range-check (probably need to add a length param to TC_BUFFER)
		    -> (let ((rval-exp (lookup-cast to-type from-type (format "r" (int rval))))
			     (lval (format "(((" (type-repr to-type) "*)((pxll_int*)r" (int rbase) ")+1)[" (int rindex) "])")))
			 (o.write (format lval " = " rval-exp ";")))
		    _ _ -> (primop-error))
	'%getcc -> (match args with
		     () -> (o.write (format "r" (int target) " = k; // %getcc"))
		     _	-> (primop-error))
	'%putcc -> (match args with
		     (rk rv) -> (begin
				  (o.write (format "k = r" (int rk) "; // %putcc"))
				  (move rv target))
		     _ -> (primop-error))
	_ -> (primop-error))))

  (define (lookup-cast to-type from-type exp)
    (match to-type from-type with
      (type:pred tout _ _) (type:pred 'int _ _)
      -> (if (member-eq? tout c-int-types)
	     (format "((" (sym tout) ")unbox(" exp "))")
	     (error1 "lookup-cast: can't cast from int to: " tout))
      _ _ -> (error1 "lookup-cast: unable to cast between types: " (:pair to-type from-type))))

  (define (emit-move var src target)
    (cond ((and (>= src 0) (not (= src var)))
	   ;; from varset
	   (o.write (format "r" (int var) " = r" (int src) ";")))
	  ((and (>= target 0) (not (= target var)))
	   ;; from varref
	   (o.write (format "r" (int target) " = r" (int var) ";")))))

  (define (emit-fatbar label k0 k1)
    (emit k0)
    (o.write (format "goto fatbar_" (int label) "_over;"))
    (o.write (format "fatbar_" (int label) ":"))
    (emit k1)
    ;; Note: the extra semicolon here is necessary because C99 requires a 'statement'
    ;;  to follow a label.  Sometimes there's no code after the label, so this avoids
    ;;  that problem.  [might be possible to look at the insn's continuation instead]
    (o.write (format "fatbar_" (int label) "_over: ;")))

  (define (emit-fail label npop)
    (if (> npop 0)
	(o.write (format "lenv = ((object " (joins (n-of npop "*")) ")lenv)" (joins (n-of npop "[1]")) ";")))
    (o.write (format "goto fatbar_" (int label) ";")))

  (define (which-typecode-fun dt) "get_case") ;; XXX

  (define (emit-nvcase test dtname tags subs ealt)
    (let ((use-else? (maybe? ealt)))
      (match (alist/lookup context.datatypes dtname) with
	(maybe:no) -> (error1 "emit-nvcase" dtname)
	(maybe:yes dt)
	-> (if (and (= (length subs) 1) (= (dt.get-nalts) 1))
	       ;; nothing to switch on, just emit the code
	       (emit (nth subs 0))
	       (let ((get-typecode (which-typecode-fun dt)))
		 (o.write (format "switch (" get-typecode " (r" (int test) ")) {"))
		 ;; XXX reorder tags to put immediate tests first!
		     i (length tags)
		     (let ((label (nth tags i))
			   (sub (nth subs i))
			   (alt (dt.get label))
			   (arity alt.arity)
			   (uimm #f)
			   (tag (if (= arity 0) ;; immediate/unit constructor
				    (get-uitag dtname label alt.index)
				    (get-uotag dtname label alt.index))))
		       (if (and (not use-else?) (= i (- (length tags) 1)))
			   (o.write "default: {")
			   (o.write (format "case (" tag "): {")))
		       (emit sub)
		       (o.write "} break;")
		 (match ealt with
		   (maybe:yes ealt0)
		   -> (begin
			(o.write "default: {")
			(emit ealt0)
			(o.write "}")
		   _ -> #u)
		 (o.write "}"))))))
  (define (emit-pvcase test-reg tags arities alts ealt)
    (o.write (format "switch (get_case_noint (r" (int test-reg) ")) {"))
    (let ((else? (maybe? ealt))
	  (n (length alts)))
	  i n
	  (let ((label (nth tags i))
		(arity (nth arities i))
		(alt (nth alts i))
		(tag0 (match (alist/lookup context.variant-labels label) with
			(maybe:yes v) -> v
			(maybe:no) -> (error1 "variant constructor never called" label)))
		(tag1 (format (if (= arity 0) "UITAG(" "UOTAG(") (int tag0) ")"))
		(case0 (format "case (" tag1 "): {"))
		(case1 (if (and (not else?) (= i (- n 1))) "default: {" case0)))
	    (o.write case1)
	    (emit alt)
	    (o.write "} break;")
      (match ealt with
	(maybe:yes ealt)
	-> (begin
	     (o.write (format "default: {"))
	     (emit ealt)
	     (o.write "};")
	(maybe:no) -> #u)
      (o.write "}")))

  ;; body of emit
  (emit insns)
  (o.write "Lreturn:")
  (o.write "return (pxll_int) result;")
  (o.write "}")

(define (emit-registers o context)
  (let ((nreg (+ 1 (context.regalloc.get-max))))
	i nreg
	(o.write (format "register object * r" (int i) ";")))
    (o.write "void gc_regs_in (int n) {")
    (o.write "  switch (n) {")
     (lambda (i)
       (o.write (format "  case " (int (+ i 1)) ": heap1[" (int (+ i 3)) "] = r" (int i) ";")))
     (reverse (range nreg)))
    (o.write "}}")
    (o.write "void gc_regs_out (int n) {")
    (o.write "  switch (n) {")
     (lambda (i)
       (o.write (format "  case " (int (+ i 1)) ": r" (int i) " = heap0[" (int (+ i 3)) "];")))
     (reverse (range nreg)))
    (o.write "}}")))

;; we support three types of non-immediate literals:
;; 1) strings.  identical strings are *not* merged, since
;;      modifying strings is a reasonable choice.
;; 2) symbols.  this emits a string followed by a symbol tuple.
;;      these are collected so each is unique.  any runtime
;;      symbol table should be populated with these first.
;; 3) constructed.  trees of literals made of constructors
;;      (e.g. lists formed with QUOTE), and vectors.  each tree
;;      is rendered into a single C array where the first value
;;      in the array points to the beginning of the top-level
;;      object.

(define (emit-constructed o context)
  (let ((lits (reverse context.literals))
	(nlits (length lits))
	(strings (alist/make))
	(output '())
	(current-index 0)
	(symbol-counter 0)

    ;; emit UOHEAD and UITAG macros, special-casing the builtin datatypes
    (define (uohead nargs dt variant index)
      (match dt variant with
	'list 'cons -> "CONS_HEADER"
	_ _ -> (format "UOHEAD(" (int nargs) "," (int index) ")")))

    (define (uitag dt variant index)
      (match dt variant with
	'list 'nil -> "TC_NIL"
	_ _ -> (format "UITAG(" (int index) ")")))

    (define (walk exp)
      (match exp with
	;; data constructor
	(literal:cons dt variant args)
	-> (let ((dto (alist/get context.datatypes dt "no such datatype"))
		 (alt (dto.get variant))
		 (nargs (length args)))
	     (if (> nargs 0)
		 ;; constructor with args
		 (let ((args0 (map walk args))
		       (addr (+ 1 (length output))))
		   (PUSH output (uohead nargs dt variant alt.index))
		   (for-each (lambda (x) (PUSH output x)) args0)
		   (format "UPTR(" (int current-index) "," (int addr) ")"))
		 ;; nullary constructor - immediate
		 (uitag dt variant alt.index)))
	(literal:vector args)
	-> (let ((args0 (map walk args))
		 (nargs (length args))
		 (addr (+ 1 (length output))))
	     (PUSH output (format "(" (int nargs) "<<8)|TC_VECTOR"))
	     (for-each (lambda (x) (PUSH output x)) args0)
	     (format "UPTR(" (int current-index) "," (int addr) ")"))
	(literal:symbol sym)
	-> (let ((index (alist/get context.symbols sym "unknown symbol?")))
	     (format "UPTR(" (int index) ",1)"))
	(literal:string s)
	-> (match (alist/lookup strings s) with
	     (maybe:yes index) -> (format "UPTR0(" (int index) ")")
	     (maybe:no) -> (error "emit-constructed: lost string"))
	_ -> (int->string (encode-immediate exp))
    (o.dedent) ;; XXX fix this by defaulting to zero indent
	i nlits
	(set! output '())
	(set! current-index i)
	(let ((lit (nth lits i)))
	  (match lit with
	    ;; strings are a special case here because they have a non-uniform structure: the existence of
	    ;;   the uint32_t <length> field means it's hard for us to put a UPTR in the front.
	    (literal:string s)
	    -> (let ((slen (string-length s)))
		 ;; this works because we want strings compared for eq? identity...
		 (alist/push strings s i)
		 (o.write (format "pxll_string constructed_" (int i) " = {STRING_HEADER(" (int slen) "), " (int slen) ", \"" (c-string s) "\" };")))
	    ;; there's a temptation to skip the extra pointer at the front, but that would require additional smarts
	    ;;   in insn_constructed (as already exist for strings).
	    ;; NOTE: this reference to the string object only works because it comes before the symbol in self.context.constructed.
	    (literal:symbol s)
	    -> (begin
		 (o.write (format "// symbol " (sym s)))
		 (o.write (format "pxll_int constructed_" (int i)
				  "[] = {UPTR(" (int i)
				  ",1), SYMBOL_HEADER, UPTR0(" (int (- current-index 1))
				  "), INTCON(" (int symbol-counter) ")};"))
		 (set! symbol-counter (+ 1 symbol-counter))
	    _ -> (let ((val (walk (nth lits i)))
		       (rout (list:cons val (reverse output))))
		   (o.write (format "pxll_int constructed_" (int i) "[] = {" (join id "," rout) "};")))
    (let ((symptrs '()))
       (lambda (symbol index)
	 (PUSH symptrs (format "UPTR(" (int index) ",1)")))
      (o.write (format "pxll_int pxll_internal_symbols[] = {(" (int (length symptrs)) "<<8)|TC_VECTOR, " (join id ", " symptrs) "};"))

(define c-string-safe?
    "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~ ")))

;; fix when we get zero-padding format capability...
(define (char->oct-encoding ch)
  (let ((in-oct (format (oct (char->ascii ch)))))
     (match (string-length in-oct) with
       0 -> "000"
       1 -> "00"
       2 -> "0"
       _ -> (error1 "unable to oct-encode character" ch)

(define (c-string s)
  (let loop ((r '())
	     (s (string->list s)))
    (match s with
      () -> (string-concat (reverse r))
      (ch . rest)
      -> (loop
	   (match ch with
	     #\return  -> "\\r"
	     #\newline -> "\\n"
	     #\tab     -> "\\t"
	     #\\       -> "\\\\"
	     #\"       -> "\\\""
	     _ -> (if (c-string-safe? ch)
		      (char->string ch)
		      (char->oct-encoding ch)))

(define (emit-lookup-field o context)
  (cond ((> (length context.records) 0)
	 (o.write "static int lookup_field (int tag, int label)")
	 (o.write "{ switch (tag) {")
	  (lambda (pair)
	    (match pair with
	      (:pair sig index)
	      -> (begin (o.write (format "  case " (int index) ":"))
			(o.write "  switch (label) {")
			    i (length sig)
			    (o.write (format "     case "
					     (int (lookup-label-code (nth sig i) context))
					     ": return " (int i) "; break;")))
			(o.write "  } break;"))))
	 (o.write "}}"))))